How to Import Your Travel Data from Google Timeline

To get started with, you’ll need to export your trip history from Google Timeline. Please note that our service can only analyze your historical location data if you’ve had Google Timeline enabled. At this time, we work exclusively with Google Timeline data.

Follow these simple steps to export your travel information from Google Timeline:

  1. Visit and sign in to the Google account from which you want to export your travel data.
  2. On this page, Google will display a list of all the data types it collects about your account. Click “Deselect All” as you don’t need everything.
  3. Scroll down the list until you find “Location History” and select it.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Next Step.”
  5. Scroll down a bit further and click “Create export.” Note: Google’s default settings work perfectly for, so there’s no need to change anything.
  6. Wait for Google to create the file needs to compute your tax location. This process should take around 10 minutes, but it might take longer.
  7. Google will send you an email when the file is ready. Open the email and click “Download.”
  8. That’s it! Once the download is complete, click here to process your tax domicile information with

With your Google Timeline data in hand, can accurately determine your tax domicile history, making it easier than ever to stay compliant with multiple tax jurisdictions.

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