Comparison of our service and other mobile services


Other Mobile Apps

Real-time location tracking No (One-time report Yes (Constant)
Historical tax domicile determination Yes No
Year-round installation required No Yes
Advertisements? No Varies (Often ad-supported)
Data privacy (Won’t sell your data) Yes Varies (Some may sell data)
Simple and easy-to-use reports Yes Varies
Cost-effective Yes Varies
Applicable to multiple tax domiciles Yes Varies offers a unique and convenient approach to tax domicile tracking and reporting. Unlike other mobile apps, our service provides a one-time, easy-to-use report that doesn’t require constant location tracking or year-round installation. Furthermore, we pride ourselves on our commitment to data privacy, ensuring your information stays secure and is never sold to third parties. With, you can enjoy peace of mind and focus on what matters most: staying compliant with your tax obligations across multiple domiciles.
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